Lisa Hansell

Lisa Hansell

As a professional beauty and FX makeup artist and producer, Lisa's work has earned several awards including The Geekie, The Webby, several Tellys and several Global Accolade Awards in addition to a few festival wins including the Burbank Int'l Film Festival. Lisa is largely self-taught and has also had the benefit of private instruction w... Show more »
As a professional beauty and FX makeup artist and producer, Lisa's work has earned several awards including The Geekie, The Webby, several Tellys and several Global Accolade Awards in addition to a few festival wins including the Burbank Int'l Film Festival. Lisa is largely self-taught and has also had the benefit of private instruction with a 5-time Emmy winning makeup artist. Lisa co-owns ImpaQt FX ( and lives in the greater Los Angeles area. Show less «
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