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Watch Eight Legged Freaks


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The movie concerns hundreds of little spiders that are exposed to toxic waste, causing them to grow to gigantic proportions and begin killing and harvesting. When the alarm is sounded, it is up to mining engineer Chris McCormack and Sheriff Sam Parker to mobilize an eclectic group of townspeople, including the Sheriff's young son, Mike, her daughter, Ashley and a paranoid radio announcer named Harlan to battle the bloodthirsty eight-legged beasts.
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  • CRITICS OF "Eight Legged Freaks"
Washington Post
This is a poster movie, a mediocre tribute to films like Them!
July 19, 2002
Ebert & Roeper
[I]ts marginally amusing, but I'm giving it thumbs down.
July 22, 2002
Chicago Tribune
However many screaming teenagers it produces at the multiplexes, Eight Legged Freaks isn't good or funny enough to reinvigorate the style. It can't even maintain its own initial zing.
July 18, 2002
Village Voice
Despite nifty F/X, first-time director Ellory Elkayem's staging is altogether devoid of variation.
July 23, 2002
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