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Watch Dancing at the Blue Iguana


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Through the lens of the strip club,this film reveals lifestyle of girl inside and out, on and back to show the story behind the dance
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  • CRITICS OF "Dancing at the Blue Iguana"
The result is a very believable strip club, inhabited by cardboard-thin protagonists who come across as caricatures more than actual people.
October 19, 2001
Ozus' World Movie Reviews
There's a lot of tepid exotic dancing as the girls' writhe and slither around the pole.
January 02, 2002
Mr. Showbiz
A predictable exercise in fake tawdriness and half-nude psychodrama.
October 20, 2001
Boxoffice Magazine
The film's a mess, albeit a fascinating one.
October 28, 2001
Always a more interesting acting exercise than compelling drama.
January 04, 2002
Film Journal International
Too often the uneven script is either hopelessly strained or tediously lackadaisical.
December 09, 2001
New York Post
Mostly this is a whole lot of chain-smoking and griping about men. You'd be better off renting Demi Moore's Striptease.
October 19, 2001
After a full hour of Iguana I was watching the DVD counter tick by in slow motion.
December 29, 2001
This, I suppose, is what happens when a director allows his actors to put together a movie -- it's sort of like letting the inmates run the asylum.
October 21, 2001
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