Marcus Hamilton is a recurring character on the final season of the TV series Angel. He is played by actor Adam Baldwin, who also worked with Angel creator Joss Whedon in the series Firefly, playing mercenary Jayne Cobb.Hamilton is one of the final villains to appear on Angel. He is not a human being, as Illyria refers to him as a creature . In fac...
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Marcus Hamilton is a recurring character on the final season of the TV series Angel. He is played by actor Adam Baldwin, who also worked with Angel creator Joss Whedon in the series Firefly, playing mercenary Jayne Cobb.Hamilton is one of the final villains to appear on Angel. He is not a human being, as Illyria refers to him as a creature . In fact, Hamilton is one of the Children of the Senior Partners, but unlike Eve, he wasn't created recently merely to act as the Senior Partner's liaison. Hamilton was created by the Senior Partners a long time ago, as he had already clashed with Drogyn the Battlebrand before he became the Guardian of the Deeper Well. Their history is unknown but each clearly considers the other to be a worthy adversary.Because Eve urgently seeks Angel's protection, Angel and crew at first believe that Hamilton has been sent by the Senior Partners to kill her. However, Hamilton's assignment is merely to replace Eve as Angel's liaison to the Senior Partners. Eve clearly views this as a death sentence of sorts, since she enjoys the benefit of eternal youth, which is revoked upon her termination from the Senior Partners' employ.Having succeeded Eve, Hamilton makes it clear from the start he is not like her and will not be pushed about as the Senior Partners presumably felt Eve had been. He begins advising Angel very closely when the latter joins the Circle of the Black Thorn, going so far as to kidnap Drogyn to use as a sacrifice during Angel's initiation into the Circle. However, Hamilton remains wary of the ensouled vampire, suspecting he might yet betray Wolfram and Hart. With amazing strength surging in his blood, he is able to withstand a vampire attack (albeit from Harmony), as well as to defeat the weakened Illyria.Upon realizing that Angel has been using Harmony to pass bad intel and that his loyalties must, therefore, still be tied to the powers of goodness, Hamilton immediately attempts to kill him. During the ensuing struggle, Hamilton wonders why Angel continues to fight after signing away his Shanshu, but Angel simply replies that the people who don't care will never understand the people who do. Their battle nearly comes to an abrupt end when Hamilton almost stakes Angel, but Angel fends him off with timely help from his son, Connor. Although neither Angel nor Connor can inflict much damage at first, Hamilton himself inadvertently reveals the source of his power. Hearing that the strength of the Senior Partners fills Hamilton's blood, Angel promptly vamps and drinks him. Absorbing the strength and power in such supercharged blood gives Angel the edge he needs to defeat his opponent. Near the end, Hamilton claims that he and the Circle are forever and eternal. Unimpressed, Angel snaps Hamilton's neck and says, I guess forever just got a whole lot shorter. Hamilton's death prompts the Senior Partners to rescind Angel's contract with the firm and unleash their punishment, which includes an earthquake that destroys the W&H Los Angeles branch, followed by a horde of demons sent to make an example of Angel and his crew.
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